Datacolor® SpyderX is the best Spyder ever. SpyderX Pro is designed for serious photographers and designers seeking a fast, accurate and easy-to-use monitor calibration solution in order to set up their colour management workflow easily. The SpyderX Pro display calibrator offers the first lens-based colour engine of any Spyder product. Years of research and development at Datacolor® resulted in a display calibration tool with significantly increased precision, colour accuracy, and low light capabilities. With SpyderX Pro, photographers can be sure that what they see on screen is the most accurate representation of the shot they took. When they start editing and they know the colour on their monitor is accurate, they can confidently control every aspect of their image. SpyderX Pro has extensive colour calibration options, as well as options for matching and tuning multiple displays. The SpyderX is the fastest, most accurate, easiest-to-use monitor calibration tool ever created by Datacolor®. The Datacolor® SpyderX Pro gives photographers more confidence and advanced control of their creative vision. Box Contains: Datacolor® ЅруdеrХ Pro dеvісе wіth UЅВ соnnесtоr аnd НW Ѕеrіаl Wеlсоmе Саrd wіth ѕоftwаrе dоwnlоаd lіnk аnd wаrrаntу rеgіѕtrаtіоn іnfо Ѕоftwаrе Ѕеrіаl Есо-frіеndlу, rеuѕаblе ѕtоrаgе bох Lіnk tо оn-lіnе dеmоnѕtrаtіоnѕ, Quісk Ѕtаrt Guіdе, Uѕеr Guіdе аnd Ѕuрроrt Теаm
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