This auction is for a 60 card, elite Blue Black Control deck, based very closely off of a deck by one of the top 25 players in Magic, Josh Utter-Leyton (that did extremely well at a recent pro tour tournament). This deck is a ton of fun. If is incredible strong at countering all of your opponents spells (Dissolve, Silumgar's Scorn, Disdainful Stroke), killing creatures and planeswalkers (Silumgar's Command, Bile Blight, Ultimate Price, Hero's Downfall), Creating enormous card-draw advantages (Dig Through Time, Dragonlord's prerogative), and, if it comes to it, wiping the entire board (crux of fate). Finally, win conditions such as Iymrith, Kairi, and Silumgar, the Drifting Dead will finish off your opponent! This deck provides a huge number of synergies. This deck has been play-tested and is absurdly strong, not to mention a blast to play! A perfect deck for both casual magic players and anyone looking to play a fun, cohesive, themed deck. his deck is modern legal. Play with a pro-level deck!
3 weeks ago
2 days ago